New Era - No Wipe 6Man [SmallTribes] PvP x3
Ark Server
About New Era - No Wipe 6Man [SmallTribes] PvP x3
New Era Mod Collection:
New Era PvP Cluster
By: 123
New Era Cluster Mods Website: Discord:
Server Links:
4 Maps in Cluster
Cave = Custom + New Caves
Tribe Limit = 6
Harvest = x3
Experience = x3
Taming = x3
Egg Incubation = x30
Baby Maturation = x42.5
Mating Interval = x0.15
Weight Player & Dino = Infinity
Loot Quality = x1.3
Cave Damage = x6
Alliances = Disabled
Character Level = 105 + Ascensions + Chibi
Turret limit = 150 turrets in range
Always Allow Structure Pickup = True
Crop Growth Speed = x10
Per Level Stats Multiplier:
HP = 2.0
Stamina = 2.0
Weight = Infinity
Speed = 0.7
Fortitude = 2.0
Crafting Speed = 1.0
New Era | Mod UI
Dino Storage v2
Remove Cryopods
Structures Plus (S+)
Auto Rewards v2 (ARv2)
Ragnarok | Extension
The Island | Extension
The Center | Extension
Extinction | Extension
Element Transfer
Crafting Skill Potion
Awesome SpyGlass!
Alfa Stack 2.5k -50 v1.4
Baby Premium Care
Editable Server UI (WBUI) Open Source
New Era PvP Cluster
By: 123
New Era Cluster
Other Links Discord Website
Recent Voters (API)
The most recent steam users who have voted for the New Era - No Wipe 6Man [SmallTribes] PvP x3 server.
Nobody has voted for this server in the last 12 hours.
Server FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the New Era - No Wipe 6Man [SmallTribes] PvP x3 Ark server.
What is the ip for the New Era - No Wipe 6Man [SmallTribes] PvP x3 Server?
The IP:Port address for New Era - No Wipe 6Man [SmallTribes] PvP x3 is .