{AWLGaming} - V Rising Reborn PvE x3 | 60 fps no wipe
V-Rising Server
About {AWLGaming} - V Rising Reborn PvE x3 | 60 fps no wipe
➽ Game mode is PvE (player vs. environment)➽ Player damage is disabled (No PvP)
➽ Death containers can only be accessed by clan members
➽ Relics (valuable items) are set to plentiful
➽ Enemy player containers cannot be looted
➽ Most equipment and items can be teleported (won't block teleportation)
➽ Global chat is allowed
➽ All waypoints are unlocked
➽ Castle damage is disabled
➽ Castle heart can only be destroyed when decaying
➽ Castle decay rate is slowed down by half
➽ Inactivity kill is enabled after 7 days of inactivity
➽ 3x Inventory stack size
➽ 3x Drops, material yield,, crafting times and blood essence
➽ Clan size is set to 4
➽ Various modifiers of gameplay mechanics are halved, including build costs, crafting rates, and research times.
➽ No server wipes
Other Links Discord Website
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Server FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the {AWLGaming} - V Rising Reborn PvE x3 | 60 fps no wipe V-Rising server.
What is the ip for the {AWLGaming} - V Rising Reborn PvE x3 | 60 fps no wipe Server?
The IP:Port address for {AWLGaming} - V Rising Reborn PvE x3 | 60 fps no wipe is