[RU] [VoIP] Skippi's server [NoWipes]
V-Rising Server
About [RU] [VoIP] Skippi's server [NoWipes]
Colliseum is PvP zoneInteractive map available at:
Save files (uploaded once in several days) may be found here: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/oXum/kmECGzZxC
Other Links Website
Recent Voters (API)
The most recent steam users who have voted for the [RU] [VoIP] Skippi's server [NoWipes] server.
Nobody has voted for this server in the last 12 hours.
Server FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the [RU] [VoIP] Skippi's server [NoWipes] V-Rising server.
What is the ip for the [RU] [VoIP] Skippi's server [NoWipes] Server?
The IP:Port address for [RU] [VoIP] Skippi's server [NoWipes] is