Palworld PVE server 24/7 open EU

Palworld PVE server 24/7 open EU

About Palworld PVE server 24/7 open EU

- based in EU
- boosted hatching time
-No items lost on death
-2.5xp rate
-PVE friendly server !
-boosted hatching time
-English speaking server
-server auto reset daily 3:45pm and 4AM GMT+1
-keeping all your progress safe!
-32 player slots
-24/7 running server
- 1 damage on your bases so other people cant destroy your bases.


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Server FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Palworld PVE server 24/7 open EU Palworld server.

What is the ip for the Palworld PVE server 24/7 open EU Server?

The IP:Port address for Palworld PVE server 24/7 open EU is

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