The Void |US Main|Vanilla+|Stamina+|Carepackages|Events
DayZ Server
About The Void |US Main|Vanilla+|Stamina+|Carepackages|Events
Veterans ad new players welcome! This server will be a vanilla plus experience, with mods like breaching charges evenmoredoors extra clothing and advanced scopes and skins for current clothing items, there will be no modded guns no vehicles/helis and no traders, the events on the server are going to be care packages and king of the hills spawning end game loot to give you an edge over other players.Other Links Discord
Recent Voters (API)
The most recent steam users who have voted for the The Void |US Main|Vanilla+|Stamina+|Carepackages|Events server.
Nobody has voted for this server in the last 12 hours.
Server FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the The Void |US Main|Vanilla+|Stamina+|Carepackages|Events DayZ server.
What is the ip for the The Void |US Main|Vanilla+|Stamina+|Carepackages|Events Server?
The IP:Port address for The Void |US Main|Vanilla+|Stamina+|Carepackages|Events is